Our name comes from the Gospel stories of Matthew, Mark and Luke where Jesus Christ appears before his 3 Disciples in radiant glory (Matthew 17:2, Mark 9:2–3, Luke 9:28–36). Transfiguration is defined as a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state - something we are always striving for!

Our Episcopal congregation comprises of members who are young and old, newcomers and long timers, traditionalists and progressives, all of whom share a common purpose.

You will experience a friendly, close-knit, welcoming community of people who enjoy gathering together, worshiping God with a spirit of awe and reverence, and taking seriously the teachings and values of the Christian faith. No matter what color you are or clothes you wear or what kind of relationship you are in - you are welcome here!

We are currently offering an 8 AM Holy Eucharist Said Service in our Sanctuary and a 10:15 AM Holy Eucharist Service with music in our Sanctuary and over Zoom. If you would like to join us over Zoom, please see the Zoom invitation on our homepage. Our denomination believes that all believers, both young and old, are welcome to receive.

If you would like to find out more about what makes us Episcopalians, the best way is to come and experience us in worship and prayer! Our beliefs and theology are grounded in how we express our relationship with God through music, readings, preaching, praying, caring, receiving the communion and sacraments, and following God with a humble and open spirit.