Our Outreach Ministry group is joyfully and passionately committed to serving those in need in our community and beyond. There are many opportunities to become involved in these growing ministries. For more information, please contact our Outreach Committee Chair, Carol Zimmerman at the5zs@aol.com.

We are always looking for more volunteers! We encourage you to prayerfully consider where your heart may be calling you:

The Colorado Haiti Project (International):

This group has been working with community leaders in the rural town of Petit Trou de Nippes for over 29 years, supporting community-driven programs in education, community health, water and hygiene, girls’ and women’s empowerment, and agriculture. It provides resources to Haitian leaders, building bridges from the U.S. to Haiti that provide vital support for local vision and leadership. Key Contact: Cathleen McManus, cwm10078@gmail.com.

Matthew 25 Project - Medicine Container Ministry (International):

This project accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles (prescription and over-the-counter) to send to 3rd world countries where it is impossible to keep medication sterile and dry. If you would like to contribute, we ask that you remove the labels and thoroughly wash and dry the bottles. Place in the basket at the back of the sanctuary. Key Contact: Karen Coriden, kbcoriden@yahoo.com.

Project Sanctuary (National):

This organization assists military service members by reconnecting the family unit through a holistic approach. The program heals the traumatic effects of military service, treating all members of the family at their level of need and enabling the service members to reintegrate into their families and communities in a healthy and sustainable manner. Project Sanctuary’s work preserves the family unit, strengthening the community, the military, and the country. Key Contact: David McDonald, mountainmeadow2@gmail.com.

Habitat for Humanity (National):

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward our vision by building strength, stability and self-reliance in partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. Key Contact: Sean Spillane, bentley41004@yahoo.com.

Annual Coat Drive (Local):

Our Annual Coat Drive benefits our EChO clients and is held in the months of October and November each year. We collect gently used coats, hats, sweaters, gloves and scarves for men, women and children. Key Contact: Jennifer Francis, queenbead72@yahoo.com.

EChO (Evergreen Christian Outreach)

Evergreen Christian Outreach got its start in 1985 when Bob Bryan, a member of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration initiated an emergency food and clothing closet at the church. Two years later in 1987, Jim Benson and Gordon Wyant, two men who were living in Evergreen and attending Evergreen Fellowship Church, approached Bob about securing the use of an empty building on our church campus.

EChO is celebrating over 30 years of offering goods and services to local families in need. It helps individuals move from crisis situations towards sustainability and self-sufficiency by offering help and hope to people in need. Over 300 families visit the EChO food bank each month. The Jobs Program, education assistance, training and counseling offer hope to individuals for a better future. Also, each month COT has an Outreach Sunday asking for food and other essentials to donate to EChO.

ESP (Evergreen Shelter Program) (Local):

When the temperature drops below 32 degrees, five local churches rotate hosting clients during the months of October through March. Volunteers make it possible for EChO to fulfill its mission of providing shelter, a hot meal, and compassionate interaction to individuals and families experiencing homelessness on cold weather nights. Key Contact: Pat Magerkurth, magermom@gmail.com

The parish also participates with EChO by making Soup during the winter months for their clients every third Sunday of each month. Sign up to make soup in the COT kitchen. Key Contacts: Jennifer Francis, queenbead72@yahoo.com and Georgine McCarthy, gmccarthy0982@comcast.net.